Saturday, August 6, 2022




Youthfulness, Life Transitions

Buttercups include a wide variety of flower types that produce primarily yellow flowers. Some plants bloom in summer, and some varieties produce white, orange or red flowers. Buttercup flowers have five petals and have layers of air underneath the flower petals' surface that reflect light and create a shiny gloss. The flowers track the sun and will form a cup to gather solar energy for warmth on cold days.

Plants are perennials, with flowers blooming in the second year.  Buttercups bloom for about 10 years. Buttercup plants like to grow in moist sites and in temperate zones. Buttercups can be reproduced by seed and rhizomes. 

Buttercup leaves are poisonous to humans and animals.

Flowers have five petals, resonating with the energies of the number 5. That number brings in the concepts of positive live changes and making healthy lifestyle choices. You may chose to consider those topics to accelerate any positive life changes and choices underway.  

Buttercups have about a 10 year span for blooming, reflective of the timeline for childhood.  The petals of the flowers are illuminated, so combined with the blooming season, buttercups reflect to us the purity and joy of our earliest years on the Earth. The yellow color also suggests the joy associated with childhood and the joy and brilliance we can allow ourselves to feel throughout life. Buttercups bring to us the joy, energy and exuberance of all things youthful. 

Meditating on buttercups can help us bring in the aspects of youth we would like to manifest at any time of our lives. Think of how you would feel in a field of these lovely flowers, then think of the youthful traits you'd like to see in your life. And then allow yourself to feel those traits. 

Buttercups' luminescence also represents a connection to the world of small light beings such as fairies, who also shine their lights into our world. 

As buttercups have a defined span for blooming, they also emphasize transitions. Once blooming stops, the plants doesn't die but continues to grow and thrive without flowering. Each day is a new beginning and you can chose to start each day as a transition into the version of you that makes you happiest. 

If you are experiencing transitions in your life, buttercups remind us that some of life events represent endings while the strong foundation is in place to support continuing on and new beginnings. You can set your intentions for the new beginnings that best support your life goals and happiness.


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