LibraFlourishing, Beauty
Nasturtiums are easy to grow from seed and grow easily in poor soil. They germinate quickly and grow quickly. Once established, Nasturtiums produce bright yellow, orange and red flowers will bloom all summer until the first frost. The leaves and fragrant flowers are edible and provide high levels of vitamin C.
The plants like full sun and well drained soil. They like to be watered regularly. The plants will wilt during drought but will come back when watered.
Nasturtiums attract bees and butterflies. Nasturtiums release an airborne chemical that repels some common garden insects.The chemical also protects plants nearby.
The plants are available as spreading or climbing. The spreading (Tropaeolum minus) forms a loose mound like a bush and the climbing (Tropaeolum majus) needs support like a trellis for vines or will spread on the ground. Nasturtiums are native to Mexico, Central America and northern South America.
The plants leaves and flowers are high in vitamin C and it has been used for respiratory care and for treating bacterial and fungal infections. It has been used for disinfecting cuts.
Nasturtiums shows us that ideas only need a place to land, not rich soil, to flourish. Ideas can flourish in any environment. The same is true for people. Have you felt that you are not in a great environment for you? Give yourself a chance to move ahead with your unique ideas and projects even if you are not understood and supported by those around you. You may be surprised at how quickly your ideas germinate and grow.
Nasturtiums also bring us beauty. The vibrant flowers bring us beauty to our gardens.The chemical produced that repels insects works to retain the beauty of the plants as well as plants nearby. Nasturtiums are a reflection of our internal and external beauty and remind us of the simple beauty that is part of the soul of all life. If you're feeling less than your vibrant self, planting Nasturtiums, having a salad with the flower pedals or leaves or connecting with the energy of the plant will help to restore your image of your natural beauty and that of all life around us.
Nasturtiums are also known as Capuchina, Capucine and Indian Cress.