Thoughtfulness, Winter
Pansies are colorful flowers grown as annuals in most regions. Pansies are cold hardy plants that can survive a frost. This plant doesn't like intense summer heat which can inhibit flower production. Many of the hundreds of types of pansies have heart shaped flowers and come in many colors including white, yellow, red, orange, purple, violet, brown and blue. Some are two colors. The flowers are formed with five petals and are fragrant. Both the leaves and flowers are edible. Many varieties are biennials with a two year cycle; the first year flowers bloom and the following year(s) the stems become long and not as hardy.
Pansies are similar to violets - both belong to the genus Viola.
Pansies like well-drained, rich soil full of organic matter and grow best in full sun to partial shade. Plants spread up to 12 inches and grow to 9 inches in height. Pansies attract butterflies which bring in the energies of metamorphosis and personal transformation.
Pansy is from the French word pensée which means "thought." Pansies bring to us and bring out in us thoughtfulness. What does this look like? Are you thoughtful or are you seeing pansies everywhere as a reminder that thoughtfulness on your part would bring great joy to you and others around you? Do you need to be thoughtful about where you are and where you are going? You can use the energies pansy brings to us to aid in thinking through complex issues and to identify goals and to work through the steps you need to accomplish a goal. Remember to be gentle with yourself and that simple steps can solve a complex problem.
Some varieties have markings that look like the flowers have "faces." This prompts us to ask what face are we choosing to wear today? A face that looks pleased with the day will bring back people who are also pleased with the day. As you wake each day, you have the option of deciding what face you'd like to wear.
This flower also symbolizes those of us who love the cold, who thrive in cold weather and can be comfortable in less cold weather clothing than most others. These are the people who tolerate summer but are happiest in fall and winter and the coolness it brings.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Strength, Determination, Accomplishment
Snowdrops are one of the first flowers to appear in spring, often pushing up through snow, bringing us the aspects of determination and strength. The plants grow from bulbs and thrive in regions with cold and moderate winters.The flowers are fragrant, white bell-shaped blossoms. Different varieties grow from 6 to 12 inches tall.
Snowdrops are not attractive to deer and small animals and are poisonous to cats and dogs. Snowdrops are native to Europe and the Middle East and now also grow in North America. These plants do very well left alone, although they can be divided as they spread.
Snowdrops will multiply with offsets - bulbs that grow from the mother bulb. Even when dormant, snowdrops like shade. Snowdrops symbolize strength of character that doesn't need to be in the limelight to thrive. Think of snowdrops when you know where you are going and need to joyfully focus on accomplishing tasks to move a project forward to completion. You may look at those who need to have the spotlight focused on them to acknowledge accomplishments but know that your accomplishments are recognized by others and that you are living and working from the very steady platform of self awareness that is more significant because it comes from within rather than others. Like the first signs of spring, you are welcomed by others for yourself and your accomplishments.
Sunday, March 10, 2019
Bold, Colorful
Orchid is all about being bold and exotically colorful. Orchids are found in bold splashes of all colors, including blue tones, and are are considered exotic due to the variety of species, colors and tropical growing conditions. Orchids are perennials and most are native to the tropics but have been adapted to grow in almost any soil in almost any climate.
Orchids can be epiphytic (growing on other plants, usually trees), terrestrial (growing on the ground), or lithophytic (growing on rocks). Epiphytic orchids, which are most common in cultivation, have aerial roots that absorb moisture and nutrients from the air.
Orchids generally prefer bright, indirect light and warm, high humidity environments.
Orchids are grown in almost all colors showing us that the aspects of being exotically colorful are not limited to a type or group of people or location but are available to everyone at all times. To bring in this energy, you may want to contemplate the orchid in your favorite color or to bring plants into your home of a specific color. The more you focus on the color and on the feeling of being exotically colorful the faster those aspects will manifest in your life.
All plants in the orchid family have the same flower structure: an orchid flower has three sepals and three petals. Sepals are the outermost part of the flower and provide support for the flower petals. The orchid is symbolic of a trinity within a trinity - lending a pure, spiritual aspect to the bold and colorful aspects of life. Know that the bold and colorful parts of your life are fully supported and you should embrace them joyfully. The sepals also show us that we are fully supported in our colorful endeavors and need to feel free to move forward in these areas without reservation.
Orchids need a minimum amount of care: place in diffused light, such as behind another leafy plant, and water weekly. Orchid shows us the meaning of being mindful of our skills and abilities but to not be too fussy about details.
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Renewal, Determination, Strength
Crocus are one of the earliest blooming signs of spring, with purple or white blossoms showing up in early spring, even pushing up through snow. These perennials are grown from a bulb. Flowers bloom for about three weeks. These early bloomers can be blue, orange, pink, purple, white and yellow. Each bulb produces several blossoms. The leaves continue to grow a few weeks after flowering to gather energy for the next season, then they yellow and fade. They multiply to produce more flowers each year.
The primary aspects crocus bring are those of determination and strength. These flowers grow from 2 to 6 inches, yet are the first to show in the spring (some of the variety bloom in fall). The energy of crocus is for those who go through what they may perceive as a long dark night, and are ready to emerge into the light. This energy also shows us what it's like to be first - to jump from the concept into the realization of it quickly. The difference between those experiencing the long night and the quick jump is perception: if you are ready to make the next jump into the next positive step of your life, crocus lets you know that any time you choose is a good time.
Crocus also brings to us the concept of right timing. After a long winter, the light of the crocus flowers is a welcome one. Trust you'll also have right timing in your life - that people you need to see will be available, that the income you want will be available, and all things you perceive will make you feel better for having them will be available at the right time.
Crocus likes full sun to part shade and will tolerate clay and sandy soil. It is very tolerant of it's growing conditions. We too need to be tolerant of the conditions we were planted in to grow. Out of each scenario is born a desire to do better. Are you looking at your family or other conditions as a positive springboard to your present or do you otherwise? Know you were planted exactly where you needed to be for your growth, and celebrate the many colors that growth brings to you each day.
Crocus is Latin for saffron, a spice derived from the stigma of the flower of the saffron crocus (crocus sativa) or autumn crocus, as this species blooms in autumn. Thousands of crocus are needed to make an ounce of saffron, one of the worlds most expensive spices. This small flower with a short bloom cycle has great inner value. Are you letting your value show? Do you need to meditate on what characteristics you have that will turn to gold?
Crocus spends most of the time in dormancy. Look to this benefit: use this time to gather all needed aspects of a project or idea before it blooms.
Monday, March 4, 2019
Joy of Life
Lavender is a perennial herb used through the ages for its scent and healing properties.Some varieties of lavender are processed into essential oils which are used today for aromatherapy to help with sleep and skin and other conditions, and are used in cooking. It blooms through the summer, producing blue, pink, purple or white flowers.
Lavender likes full sun and will grow in many soil conditions as long as it is well drained. Once established, lavender is drought tolerant. Lavender shows us we can grow and bloom without much fuss and attention.We can show our best colors by drawing from within rather than having others provide for us. People who are drawn to lavender find they can plant themselves almost anywhere in the world and thrive. These are the people who know they bring everything they need with them at the soul level and need not be so dependent on the physical world for emotional security and comfort.
Lavender was used during the ancient Egyptian mummification process and with the Romans as a scent for bathing and as an antiseptic.
Lavender as a herb can be used in soups and tea and baked into sweets. It engages and delights all of the senses and is used to uplift emotionally. Lavender shows us how to engage all of our senses also, to delight in the sights, tastes and smells of nature. Lavender is an expression of the joy of life. If this plant is significant to you, are you using all of your abilities as you move through life or are you holding some back? Are you fully engaged in your relationships or do you chose to keep aspects of yourself quiet or hidden? Lavender scent or oil can be diffused or used on the skin as a reminder to fully engage all of your senses in all areas of your life.
Lavender attracts butterflies. You may want to experiment with creating a garden in your imagination that contains lavender being visited by butterflies. For some, this may be a beautiful, grounded in nature jumping off point to the higher worlds as the butterfly alights.
Saturday, March 2, 2019
Hydrangea macrophylla
Alignment, Results
Hydrangea shrubs have large showy globe flowers that bloom in spring and summer. Flowers bloom most commonly in blue, purple and pink; some varieties bloom in white, red and green. Shrubs grow up to 15 feet tall. These plants like to grow in part shade.
Hydrangeas produce large, rounded, or conical flower clusters called inflorescences. The individual flowers are usually small, but the overall cluster creates a striking visual impact. The leaves are typically large, oval, and have serrated edges. Hydrangeas can have a mounding, spreading, or climbing growth habit.
Hydrangea are native to Asia and the Americas.
Hydrangea is one of the plants that shows us what may be perceived as a "secret" of life - by setting intention and them moving into a state of acceptance of what you want, the result will come to you. This is almost opposite to the belief that one must work hard to have significant payoff, although that can also be true, but by seeing and knowing results, those results will happen. Growing these flowers are easy, showing that the splash and flash of life can be done without extraordinary effort. This flower shows that setting intention, and moving into alignment or into the acceptance of what you want, will bring about results that look like dramatic effort was involved.Yes, you can have your cake and eat it too.
The energy of hydrangea is particularly useful when planning large events such as parties or weddings where a bit of splash and color are expected or appreciated.
Beauty, Calming
Petunia is a sun loving annual in cooler regions and perennial in warm regions that blooms from spring into fall. The trumpet shaped flowers can be found in pink, blue, purple, red, white and yellow. Petunias are deer resistant and heat tolerant, like full sun and is not very particular about soil. Petunias originated in South America.
Petunias typically grow to a height of 6 inches to 18 inches (15 to 45 cm), with a spread of up to 3 feet (90 cm). The leaves are soft, slightly sticky, and oval to lance-shaped. They are light to medium green. The flowers typically measure 2 to 4 inches (5 to 10 cm) across. Petunias can have a mounding, trailing or spreading growth habit.
These are flowers that are for those people who enjoy the beauty in life, and bloom beautiful in their lives without much fuss or drama. The primary message of this plant is "live and let live." Things don't have to be complicated to be fulfilling.
For those who are experiencing more excitement or people who act in an excitable manner about routine life events, petunias can be the choice for your garden or as a gift for theirs. While being a showy ornamental flower, petunia can also bring about a calming effect due to its very common and ordinary everyday use. Petunia shows us we can have stunning, amazing beauty and color in our lives without the need to broadcast all about it to others. We can be satisfied with all good things, and be a bit colorful and flashy, without "trumpeting" the good things loudly to all.
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